eRESI House Logo

Next-Level Liquidity

eRESI provides a best-in-class residential mortgage funding platform with access to flexible and consistent liquidity.

Next-level liquidity for non-QM

eRESI provides a best-in-class residential mortgage funding platform with access to flexible and consistent liquidity.
eRESI home logo

The Market Leader Driving Your Non-QM Success

We support your success with the capital, expertise, and technology you need in this expanding market.

Direct Access

We provide access to a long-term capital base for the consistent liquidity you need.

Full Product Suite

Our comprehensive suite of products provides a diverse product set to your non-agency customers.

Pricing and Service

Experience our industry-leading pricing and personalized service to stay competitive.
eRESI light blue water logo

Take Your Non-QM Business to the Next-Level With eRESI



Year Founded


Residential Whole Loans Funded


Correspondent Partners

Comprehensive Suite of Non-QM Solutions

We provide a wide range of Non-QM solutions. Our credit team understands that every loan tells a story and takes a common-sense approach.

Become an Approved Seller

Discover why eRESI is rapidly becoming the preferred choice for many lenders.

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